In network marketing, right down to the site generally refers to the search engine evaluation level of decline, also search engine on the website promotion is a form of punishment. Its manifestation is generally divided into the following:
A lower quality, website content
I believe we all understand Internet marketing site content is a site of soul, long-term reproduced or quality is not high the pseudo-original content, browsing customers generally less, customer experience is not good, similarly, Baidu will think that this is not a good article, thus giving the website promotion weight very low, even not included.
In two, outside the chain of low quality
The website outside catenary is an important part of website optimization, as most of the network marketing of garbage outside the chain, is to give the website trenching put an end to their website.
Three, website space instability
Website promotion space is not stable main representation is the website cannot open, when a spider crawling your site, at this time, the website cannot open, to the spider impression one can imagine, this over and over again, the spider will reduce the number of the crawling on your site.
Four, website of the dead links
Website correcting this situation appears the most easily link is dead too much, dead links lead to network marketing is right down.
In five, the title of the web
Now due to build a website promotion is a lot cheaper, we choose the most virtual host, it will be in the same IP N site, so that when the same IP under a web site a problem, your site will be implicated. Modify title.
Summary: in the network marketing, title of the site is a site of face, let others know your webpage content in the end what is said, when you often change site title, "is tantamount to Baidu front face. One can imagine the consequences。