In network marketing, SEO" excessive optimization" is actually already incline error optimization. Of course, strictly speaking, SEO is not excessive optimize said, in addition to excessive optimization not absolute, search engine there is no rule that the optimization to what extent caused excessive optimize, but we can still see some clues from the site changes, when the website promotion is in excessive when optimizing search engine will give the site corresponding punishment.
Have a look first to search engine website optimization feature in excessive judgment. According to the key words such as the title tag, H tags, keywords and description tags, bold, italic, website promotion internal anchor text, picture, the ALT property, the page first paragraph of text, text, URL, page was last a paragraph of text, these should be highlighted keywords place are placed on the key words, the network marketing keywords. External link, use anchor text keywords all use the same key words. Links from all the high weight, high PR website links. The external link time Meng-speed growth.
Do SEO we should all know website and website where you can do network marketing SEO optimization, what should be optimized, but also know when all can optimize the place have been to the extreme, it may have a negative effect, this is when the effect, so must to grasp a degree and balance problem.
When excessive optimization caused to be punished after that we need to take corresponding measures, this measure is" to optimize". Webpage on the title, H tags, link anchor text and other places more changes, dilution network marketing keywords, so that the whole site optimization degree to be punished under the threshold.
When the things above all of the time can say from excessive optimize not far away. Of course, if your website promotion in the same industry website content quality and user experience really rise above the common herd, the problem is not natural, because in front of said different Web Internet Marketing SEO attitude is not consistent. Excessive optimize the penalty is mainly targeted to specific keywords ranking drop, may also lead to the entire key words all decreased, and even into the100 outside. Lead to website promotion drop this punishment is excessive optimize is just one of them, do not think that dropped is caused by excessive optimize, other cheating also leads to lower ranked one of the reasons.
In fact, even to the extreme of internal site optimization, can obtain the ranking scores is limited. External links as long as the natural growth, latent capacity is infinite. So I suggest we do in internal optimization, rather a little, don't do it all".
Summary: in the network marketing, external links can enjoy the play. Save time, focus on creating high quality content and attract a variety of links, than to spend time on page details to be much more effective, but also more secure, more can play the role of website promotion, thereby improving visibility increased flow.