In network marketing, how to let the new page, to maximize the presentation to the search engine" freshness" and does not lose the value? 5point increase web page pseudo original purity, it is website promotion editor today and share issue.
Page in the main content descriptive text. This method is particularly suitable for some list page type page, itself list page network marketing content description are more dispersed, the entire page is not too prominent theme. If you add some summary overview kind character, good tell search engines, users of the themes for the page content, but also improve the page of website promotion of creative ability.
Label description. Read a lot of articles from the perspective of this description this label, on page optimization are not essential, the author think it completely mistaken. Search engines in the search to a page by page, network marketing content extraction, first extract is the current page descriptive text description. The streamlined text patency as website search engine search results page introduction. No doubt, if lack of this label, then reduces the page 's original ability. We can see from another side of the label 's importance in Baidu, webmaster tools" SEO" module, the label of" content", and the label 's network marketing information is used as indicator of the degree of perfection.
Other help to reflect site theme, the theme of the page descriptive text. Because these pages content of many pages are repeated on the page, so it 's pseudo original contribution of the lower, but the content can be very good to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the webpage.
The picture with ALT attribute. Spiders crawl the page content, is not to understand the picture, we passed the alt attribute to introduce it. If the picture has no ALT property, then in the access to this page, the page content in network marketing is not the picture. Conversely, the alt attribute on pictures will be extracted to the content of the page.
Summary: in the network marketing, the main content of the pseudo original. Website promotion bulk flow by longtail phrases, and these long-tail words often contain in some capacity in the page. In general we pseudo-original article, basic approach are original, intermediate exchange order.