In network marketing, there are many factors affecting ranking, but not only exists on the site itself optimization, user behavior is one of the important factors affecting ranking, today we explain what the user behavior can affect the website promotion, convenient everybody stationmaster friends after the SEO to optimize the time can pay attention to these places.
1、click rate
Web page in network marketing search results by clicking on the proportion of. Although the hit mainly by the ranking order of decisions, but due to the popularity of the website, user experience, headline writing and other aspects of the differences, some webpage may also be higher on the list, but has a relatively high hit rate. All search engines search results CTR, found some pages have beyond the website promotion position should be some average click-through rate, may consider these pages to the user is more useful, thus giving a higher ranking.
This is the so-called" click" on the website there is a cause of effect, especially on baidu. But use the clicker people will find that, through the simulation on improving the ranking effects are not lasting, because the network marketing search engine for preventive measures.
2、web traffic and Alexa ranking
This is the most direct, error is the biggest factor. Especially the Alexa rankings, due to sample distribution is not uniform, and easy to cheat, and the website is true flow tend to vary greatly, but traffic to a certain extent, can explain the popularity of Web site promotion.
3、user characteristics
Whether it is new or regular user, a user repeatedly return visits the same site, this site useful, should give better network marketing ranking. If the user is in itself which experts in the field, he may also have to visit website promotion rank has effect.
4、website viscosity
Bounce rate, access time, access the page number which reflect the website viscosity index, also can be tools records. Bounce rate is lower, the longer residence time, access to the page number, description of Web site user experience better, may have a positive effect on network marketing ranking. In addition, there are a lot of query website viscosity tools, such as stationmaster statistic, statistic, statistic and so on Baidu Tencent SEO blog, I added a stationmaster statistic tools in the page footer.
5、social media sites
At present, Baidu 's launch Baidu Baidu share share function, in the collection of the social media website promotion platform, each sharing a platform on behalf of someone like Baidu Baidu, this share is also contribute to the ranking factor, the more users to share the user more like this website, it is possible to be ranked ahead of. In addition, social media is a very good promotion platform.
6、brand name search
If a brand name or domain name itself has been a lot of user search, the brand marketing network official website it is very likely that the user looking for website, ranking may be increased accordingly. For example, in the field of SEO," stone interaction" with a brand effect. Although the search" SEO blog" stone website rank is not the first, but a lot of people search" stone" or" stone interaction", also on the website promotion effect. We can see," stone interactive" front-page headline in the complete absence of a " SEO blog" this word, but a search for "SEO blog" ranking has been good.
7、repeat the search and click on the appropriate
The first time a user search, click on a web site promotion, may not find useful answers. Click the" back" button again to network marketing search engine search results page, click on another site, found on their own to help the results of. This kind of behavior patterns may affect these two website ranking.